
In these pages, we outline the core elements of the Taxus brand. This includes our voice and tone in writing, our logo and typography, as well as specifics on working with the full Taxus visual design system


What do these values mean in practice? 

When working with our clients and our colleagues to build trust in society and solve important problems, we…

Act with integrity

  • Speak up for what is right, especially when it feels difficult
  • Expect and deliver the highest quality outcomes
  • Make decisions and act as if our personal reputations were at stake

Make a difference

  • Stay informed and ask questions about the future of the world we live in 
  • Create impact with our colleagues, our clients and society through our actions
  • Respond with agility to the ever changing environment in which we operate


  • Make the effort to understand every individual and what matters to them
  • Recognise the value that each person contributes
  • Support others to grow and work in the ways that bring out their best

Work together

  • Collaborate and share relationships, ideas and knowledge beyond boundaries
  • Seek and integrate a diverse range of perspectives, people and ideas
  • Give and ask for feedback to improve ourselves and others

Reimagine the possible

  • Dare to challenge the status quo and try new things
  • Innovate, test and learn from failure
  • Have an open mind to the possibilities in every idea



Burnt Orange has both negative and positive connotations. In terms of negatives, Burnt Orange is used to describe pride,  stubbornness. In terms of positives, Burnt Orange is associated with pre-winter times, bringing thoughts of warmth, solace, and togetherness. The color Burnt Orange mixes well with deep blues and greys. It can also be mixed with mint blue and peach to create striking, vivid palettes.




Primary color

Burnt Orange




Fonts & Typography

Our approach to the typographic system uses IBM Plex as its typeface. It has been carefully engineered with suitable scales, styles, and weights to help create clear hierarchies and organize information that guides users through IBM products or experiences.

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4




Law & Finance

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