IP protection and TM registration

If you’re an IT business owner, entrepreneur, or creator, then you understand how important it is to protect your intellectual property and safeguard your brand. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established business, registering trademarks and protecting your IP can help you stay ahead of the competition. At Taxus, we provide a range of services to help you protect your IP and register your trademarks.

Our services cover both national and international trademark registration and protection, including registration of trademarks through the Madrid System.

Whether you are a small startup looking to register your first trademark or a multinational corporation seeking to protect your intellectual property in multiple jurisdictions, our team of experienced trademark attorneys can provide you with the expert guidance you need to protect your brand and maximize the value of your intellectual property.


Why trust your IP to Taxus


How we help to improve your IP

Trademark registration

We can help you register your trademarks, ensuring that they are protected and legally enforceable. We’ll guide you through the entire process, from conducting a trademark search to filing your application.

Intellectual property protection

We offer a range of services to help protect your intellectual property, including drafting and reviewing non-disclosure agreements, protecting your trade secrets, and filing cease-and-desist letters when necessary.

IP portfolio management

Our team can help you manage your IP portfolio, keeping track of important deadlines and ensuring that your trademarks are renewed on time. We can also help you identify potential infringement issues and take appropriate legal action when necessary.


How it works


Schedule a consultation with us

Simply reach out to us via email or phone to discuss your IP protection and trademark registration needs.


We discuss your business needs and goals

Our team will set up a consultation with you to discuss your business, your intellectual property, and your goals.


We provide a comprehensive plan for TM registration and IP protection

Based on your needs and goals, we'll develop a customized plan for protecting your intellectual property and registering your trademarks.


We help you file the necessary paperwork and documentation

We'll execute your plan, guiding you through the trademark registration process and protecting your IP as needed.


We keep you updated throughout the entire process

We'll continue to support you and your business with ongoing IP portfolio management, ensuring that your trademarks are up to date and legally protected.


You receive your trademark registration and IP protection documents


Why choose Taxus?

Experienced professionals

Customized solutions




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